
and System

C / C++ Language Variants

Most C and C++ source code is written for specific compiler and hardware targets. In part, this is because most C and C++ compilers incorporate language extensions beyond the ANSI standards. Options in Imagix 4D's semantic analyzer can be configured to support these extensions. As a result, the information presented by Imagix 4D during your source code analysis precisely reflects the symbols and dependencies as understood by your specific compiler.

These options specify compiler header file locations, keyword extensions and predefined macros, and are most easily set through configuration files. Imagix 4D ships with preconfigured configuration files for leading C and C++ compilers, for both native and embedded applications.

If you don't see your compiler on the list of the standard distribution (below), please contact us. We have a library of additional configuration files, and if your compiler's not there, we're often able to create one quickly.

Native CompilersEmbedded Cross Compilers
Borland / Embarcadero Analog Devices HI-TECH / Microchip Paradigm
GNU gcc ARM RealView HIWARE / Freescale Renesas / NEC
Hewlett-Packard CodeWarrior / Freescale IAR Systems Tasking / Altium
IBM Cosmic Software Intel Texas Instruments
Microsoft Cypress / Fujitsu Keil / ARM vxWorks / WindRiver
SCO Diab / WindRiver MetaWare / ARC
Silicon Graphics Fujitsu Microchip MPLAB
Sun Microsystems GNU gcc-based Microtec / Mentor Graphics
Watcom Green Hills Software Panasonic
Native Compilers
Borland / Embarcadero
GNU gcc
Silicon Graphics
Sun Microsystems

Embedded Cross Compilers
Analog Devices
ARM RealView
CodeWarrior / Freescale
Cosmic Software
Cypress / Fujitsu
Diab / WindRiver
GNU gcc-based
Green Hills Software
HI-TECH / Microchip
HIWARE / Freescale
IAR Systems
Keil / ARM
MetaWare / ARC
Microchip MPLAB
Microtec / Mentor Graphics
Renesas / NEC
Tasking / Altium
Texas Instruments
vxWorks / WindRiver

C / C++ Related Languages

In addition to the C and C++ variants listed above, Imagix 4D source analyzer and compiler configuration files provide support for certain languages closely related to C and C++.

LanguageCompiler Vendor
Dynamic CRabbit / Z-World
Neuron CEschelon
NVCC CudaNvidia

Java Language and Environment

As Java code is more uniform than C and C++, Imagix 4D configuration files simply need to specify the location of the standard jar files used with your code. An option is available to support the older Java 1.4 syntax.

System Requirements

For Windows or Linux, the following hardware and software resources are required to run Imagix 4D on Intel/AMD-based platforms (other than Itanium).

Operating SystemOS VersionHardware Platform
WindowsWin7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11
Windows Server 2016 / 2019 / 2022
x86 and x86-64
Linux2.0 or laterx86 and x86-64

Hardware and software requirements
for using Imagix products